Lexis Rex

Kata Bahasa Inggris Hari Ini




Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Indonesia
     1. perak
Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. elements, Ag, palladium, Pd, cadmium, Cd
     2. n. A lustrous, white, metallic element, atomic number 47, atomic weight 107.87, symbol Ag.
     3. n. (collectively) Coins made from silver or any similar white metal.
     4. n. (collectively) Cutlery and other eating utensils, whether silver or made from some other white metal.
     5. n. (collectively) Any items made from silver or any other white metal.
     6. n. A shiny gray color.
           (color panel, C0C0C0)
     7. n. Anything resembling silver; something shiny and white.
     8. adj. Made from silver.
     9. adj. Made from another white metal.
     10. adj. Having a color like silver: a shiny gray.
     11. adj. Denoting the twenty-fifth anniversary, especially of a wedding.
     12. adj. (of commercial services) Premium, but inferior to gold.
     13. adj. Having the clear, musical tone of silver; soft and clear in sound.
           a silver-voiced young girl
     14. v. To acquire a silvery colour.
     15. v. To cover with silver, or with a silvery metal.
           to silver a pin;  to silver a glass mirror plate with an amalgam of tin and mercury
     16. v. To polish like silver; to impart a brightness to, like that of silver.
     17. v. To make hoary, or white, like silver.
Bahasa Indonesia > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. silver (metal)
     2. n. (colloquial) coin, rupiah


Contoh Kalimat-kalimat

I seen him, he has a silver gun.
Drops of silver medicine were used by doctors to fight all kinds of infections.
He lost all its glitter the day you said no, and his silver turned to blue.
The moonlight has changed the steeple to a star, and the silver street glimmers on the hills like a road made for fairies.
Inside the other was another silver chain with a crimson heart shaped pendant, and the poem read that I was to keep that pendant heart at the head of my bed, as he did with one identically at his, so that we could always be together, even in our dreams.

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